All Girl Art Blog

Sunday, April 09, 2006

everything starts with a girl

it's true, just think about it for a minute.... ^_@
well first of all, let me explain why i'm starting this blog. it was something i've always thought about doing, and i had a discussion with my friend Jean one day, her enthusiastic reaction motivated me to finally start organizing this blog.
me and Jean both agreed that we don't see enough active female artists out there, or a lot of them don't have the opportunity to be recognized on a individual level. personally i believe as an artist one should be able to appreciate a variety of different styles of work and their content. right now, a majority of well known artists out there are men. so very often we get to see what male artists can do. but now it's time to show people what we girls can do. (we all know that the male and female minds are organized differently, and that shows through our art works.)
in conclusion, this blog is a space for girl artists to show their talent and get feed backs. you can post up anything from napkin sketches to rendered paintings to sculptures.
*and for boys, you are very welcome to leave comments and suggestions (and please do)*

thank you for reading this, and let the fun begin~~*


  • At 5:11 PM, Blogger Bearuh said…

    OOO can I join!? Im 100% girl!


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